Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tutorial of Applications in Medicine †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Tutorial of Applications in Medicine. Answer: Introduction: The health care and social assistance industry has the highest chance of the employment growth in the present times. In the baseline scenario there are ample amount of employment opportunities in this industry. The jobs in the health care sectors are always in demand as it is include everything about helping the people. The careers in the health care sectors are all about helping the people who are having certain physical problem. The health care jobs were not given value in the past years but in the present years the scope of jobs in this industry has increased. The career in the social care concerns helping the vulnerable people. The job of a nurse was seen as a low profile job in the past years. The scenario has changed in the present world. A different set of studies has been introduced where the study of nursing has covered a major portion. Therefore, there are ample amount of health care professional job that are expected to emerge but definitely not disappear in this sector (B owling 2014). The jobs in the health care sector are increasing as everybody is dependent on the specialist skills of healthcare professionals at maximum instances. The major reason behind this is that the individuals look forward to seek help from the health care professionals in case of help from the professional healthcare sectors. This is the reason the scope of jobs in the health care sectors have increased. The advancement of facilities in the health care sectors leads to the development of employment facilities in the health as well as social care sectors. The reason behind this is that there is variety of specialist careers available within this system. It includes the clinical support staff, allied health professionals, occupational therapist, speech therapists and art therapists. The social workers play a major role in this situation. The social workers actively work in this area (Cotlear et al. 2015). The growing need of the health care sectors and the social care sectors it can be predicted that this industry has a lot of chance to grow itself. To understand the same the example of the Royal Brisbane can be taken into account. It is a maternity hospital that is located in Queensland in Australia. It has been designed especially for the women of the region. The hospital has all the advanced technologies and it has a specialized faculty of health care professionals. In spite of all this there is huge scope of improvement in the next five years. The hospital can make changes in the field of their departments. The hospital has standard facility for the females. It should come up with some other departments which deal not only the gynecological matters but also the other health factors. In the next five years the health care services will be highly modernized compared to the present facilities. The services can be booked through online in the upcoming years. The world is changing itse lf from offline to online. The major change that can be predicted in this field is the booking of the health care services through the use of internet and mobile applications (Drummond et al. 2015). The primary reason for choosing this particular job cluster is that this health care sectors and social assistance was not recognized earlier and was not considered to be an important career. The opportunities in the health care sectors are vast but few designations in this industry were considered of low profile. However this industry had a lot of opportunity and the recognition of this industry was essentially required. People cannot do without staying healthy. It is more important to have health care sectors in a region than the shopping malls. It is again necessary to involve the young generations and make them aware of the scopes that are there in this industry. This is the major reason of choosing this particular job cluster in this case (Folland, Goodman and Stano 2016). The personal soft skills include the teamwork and communication. The health care sectors include hospitals, special health care sectors and small health care sectors. The teamwork is essentially required in the running of the hospitals. The doctors, the nurses and the entire staff of the hospitals must work as an entire team. Without team work no job can be accomplished in a successful manner. The Royal Brisbane hospital faced such issues where the lack of teamwork resulted in the serious issues faced by the hospital. The communication between the members of the hospital should be transparent and fabricated. The communication between the health care provider and the ones who are on the receiving end should be clear. The proper communication is required to do the job efficiently. For example, if a doctor wants to prescribe a specific to his patient it is important for him to communicate the same to the nurse who is in charge of the patient. His job will be accomplished when he will co nvey that to the nurse by writing it down in the prescription (Grajales III et al. 2014). Technical knowledge and skills The technical knowledge is essentially required in this industry. The technical knowledge includes the database management, the customer service, the process of bookkeeping, the event management and the campaign that are organized in the social media. The health care sectors are customer-oriented. The service offered to the customers is of prime importance. The management of the data regarding the information of the customers should be kept a properly maintained and a proper track of the information should be kept. The extra facilities that are offered by the health care facilities should be promoted in the official websites of the hospitals. It will increase the need of the services of the sector. The skill of book keeping is essentially necessary as the information related to the organization should be well recorded as it includes the details of the information of the clients that should be kept confidential (van Scheppingen, et al. 2016). The personality test has been conducted in this report. The result concluded that a person is who is more extravert, who is having more intuitive mind, who is more inclined towards her feeling, who is more perspective towards her tactics and who is turbulent in his identity is a campaigning person (Lewin 2013). The temperament of the person who is having the shade of campaigning is more of an extrovert person than of introvert (Maples-Keller et al. 2017). The energy of this type of person is mostly intuitive than observant. He is mostly active and does not act in a passive manner. The tactics of the person having the mentioned personality is prospecting and is of turbulent identity (16personalities.com. 2017). The learning style refers to a range of comparing theory and it can be contested. According to this theory all people can be classified according to their style of learning in spite of the existing theories. The learning of every individual varies. The learning style of the person having campaigning personality is adaptable to any situation and they are ready to learn any situation easily (Kline 2015). The person having campaigning personality is having the capability to tackle the difficult situations in an easy manner. They panic in difficult situations but they have the quality to tackle the problems in a rational and practical manner. The persons having this type of personalities have the potential to deal the situation effectively (Allen et al. 2014). Key findings A Personal experiences My personal experience was average and there are many chances for it to be better. My habits and abilities have huge scope of being better. There are certain habits in the personality that the persons having the campaigning personalities have like being unrealistic at times and taking much pressure. This can be improved (this 2017). B Review of academic problems The academic career was average and it was not impressive to a great level but was standard and had huge scope of improvement. C Key findings of the strengths of improvement There has been a lot of chance of improvement. The person having a campaigning personality has the biggest strength of being extrovert. The extrovert and intuitive nature helps in adaption with all types of situation and it helps in making more improvement as a person gets adapted to the situation easily. By using this strength the pitfalls can be improved and the rectification can be made in an assertive manner (McDonald 2013). References 16personalities.com. (2017). Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice | 16Personalities. [online] Available at: https://www.16personalities.com/ [Accessed 15 Nov. 2017]. Allen, V.D., Weissman, A., Hellwig, S., MacCann, C. and Roberts, R.D., 2014. Development of the Situational Test of Emotional UnderstandingBrief (STEU-B) using item response theory.Personality and Individual Differences,65, pp.3-7. Bowling, A., 2014.Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Cotlear, D., Gmez-Dants, O., Knaul, F., Atun, R., Barreto, I.C., Cetrngolo, O., Cueto, M., Francke, P., Frenz, P., Guerrero, R. and Lozano, R., 2015. Overcoming social segregation in health care in Latin America.The Lancet,385(9974), pp.1248-1259. 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