Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nathaniel Hawthornes Puritan influences - 2212 Words

Nathaniel Hawthorne was born into a family that possessed prominent Puritan ancestors, and the shame he experienced as a result of their actions, as well as his odd fascination with them, had a significant impact on his life and his writings. Though it would be an overstatement to say that Hawthornes knowledge of the Puritan way of life was his only source of inspiration, this knowledge was certainly influential as it is often reflected in the majority of his work. Born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804, Hawthorne was born in a town whose Puritan past is well-known as a result of the infamous Salem witch trials. Though he was born well after the time of the Puritans, growing up in a town so steeped in Puritan history is likely why†¦show more content†¦One important, though briefly mentioned, symbol of Hester and Dimmesdales growth occurs when Pearl receives a golden chain from a shipmaster. This chain is described as â€Å"becoming a part of her.† The chain itself can b e seen as a symbol of the golden link between heaven and Earth. When Pearl takes and wears the golden chain, it is shown that she, and her parents, have been â€Å"redeemed† because they have learned so much as a result of their sin (Manheim 3). The Scarlet Letter was surely inspired in part by Hawthornes Puritan ancestors as he was criticizing their cruelty by displaying Hester and Dimmesdale as kind people who made a mistake and became better people as a result. The novel also has a more modern lesson because being overly critical of others is a problem that has always plagued humanity. This is part of the reason why The Scarlet Letter is such an important work of American literature as its comments on a harsh society are still fairly relevant. In addition to his many novels, Hawthorne wrote many short stories like â€Å"The Ministers Black Veil.† Published in 1836, â€Å"The Ministers Black Veil† is about a minister named Reverend Hooper who begins to wear a black veil over his face. Throughout the story the townspeople are frightened by his actions and the reason why he is wearing the blackShow MoreRelatedNathaniel Hawthornes Literature During Early America1560 Words   |  7 PagesNathaniel Hawthornes literature exhibits the influence of many factors. Much of his literature addresses Puritan culture in early America, commonly focusing on the shortcomings and hypocrisies that became apparent during the numerous witch hunts. Many of his works are allegorical, using the Puritan setting to portray his own ideas about ancestry, history, and religion. 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