Sunday, January 5, 2020

Graduation Rate Of The School - 943 Words

The phrase goes As one door closes, another door opens. That truly is the case for high school seniors around the globe, especially around this time of year. High school seniors take those steps across the graduation stage, symbolizing the end to their high school experience. Of the many graduations (preschool, elementary school, middle school, junior high, and high school), one still awaits for those seniors continuing their education. Graduating from college, by far, has to be the most important and most rewarding. Choosing the school, the degree, and the final career, that walk across the stage at a college graduation symbolizes adulthood, stability, job security, and an end to the years and years of schooling. When high school students are looking for a college, there are many things to consider and investigate, but there is one thing that stands above all the rest, and that is the on-time graduation rate of the school. â€Å"Many consider college degree completion rates to be among one of the most important indicators of institutional quality. This is primarily because of the consistent research regarding the benefits of a college degree to individuals and to society† (DeAngelo). But where is the best place to get the degree? One of the issues many seniors likely encounter is the debate between attending a public or a private college. Is there a difference between the two? Where is someone most likely to be successful? Which type of college can promise that higherShow MoreRelatedIncrease High School Graduation Rates Essay1301 Words   |  6 PagesIncrease High School Graduation Rates Did you know that 1.2 million high school students drop out of school every year just in the United States alone (11 Facts)? The decrease of high school graduation rates is a fairly important issue, and there are plenty of reasons to propose a change. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the current standard dropout rate of high school students is 7.4%. High school dropouts encounter way more difficulties and challenges than a high school graduate wouldRead MoreHigh School Graduation Rates Essay1134 Words   |  5 Pagesurban priority school districts, educators emphasize the importance of graduation. The expectation of all educators should be that every child can learn and will graduate. It is through graduation that society begins to combat poverty. 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The most recent statistics show that Nevada had a 62% graduation rate in 2011, a 63% graduation rate in 2012, and a 71% graduation rate in 2013 (â€Å"Public High School,† n.d.). Although the graduation rate has increased by 8%, Nevada’s graduation rate is still significantly lower than that of the national average graduation rate at 81% (â€Å"Public High School,† n.d.). In his 2015 State of the State Address, Nevada governorRead MoreHigh School Graduation Rates in California and the United States Based on Race and Ethnicity 1379 Words   |  6 PagesBetween 1990 and 2012, high school graduation rates in 25-29-year-olds have increased from 86 to 90 percent; this overall national rise is reflected in each of the ethnicities, White, Hispanic, Black, and Asian/Pacific Islander (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2013a). 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Swanson Every year, across the country, a dangerously high percentage of students—disproportionately poor and minority—disappear from the educational pipeline before graduating from high school. Nationally, only about 68 percent of all students who enter 9th grade will graduate â€Å"on time† with regular diplomas in 12th grade. While the graduation rate for white students is 75 percentRead MoreHigh School Students Should Not Be A Student s Fault1012 Words   |  5 Pages High school graduation rates vary among different cultural backgrounds, and college enrollment tends to have similar results. When we think of high school graduation rates, we do not think of the issues. We often think of the failure of high school to be a student’s fault. For example, a person would say, â€Å"That student is lazy and didn’t want to do their work.† Although this could be one problem, another issue is the school system failing to provide coursework for a student based off of their needs

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