Monday, November 4, 2019

The Impact of Value in Customer Relationship Management on Dissertation

The Impact of Value in Customer Relationship Management on Consultation Management Industries in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example The Private Sector and the Use of Consulting Services 13 2.4. Why Consultants? 16 2.5. Customer Satisfaction 18 2.6. Service Quality 19 2.6.1. Perceived Functional Value 23 2.6.2. Perceived Technical Value 25 2.6.3. Monetary Value 25 2.6.4. Emotional Value 25 2.6.5. Perceived Outcome Quality 26 2.7. Empirical Studies on Consulting Services 27 2.8. Conclusion 30 3. Methodology 3.1. Introduction 31 3.2. Research Approach 31 3.3. Research Methodology 32 3.4. Research Design 32 3.5 Respondents and Sampling Plan 34 3.6. Data Collection Procedures 34 3.7. Instrument 35 3.8. Validity and Reliability 37 3.9. Ethical Considerations 38 3.10. Method of Data Analysis 38 3.11. Methodological Limitations 39 3.12. Conclusion 39 4. Findings and Data Analysis 4.1. Introduction 40 4.2. Results 40 4.3. Discussion 65 5. Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1. Conclusions 75 5.2. Recommendations 77 Reflections 80 References 82 Appendices 89 List of Tables and Figures Figure 1. Determinants of customer satis faction 23 Results Table 1. Descriptive statistics: Outcomes of management consultancy services. 41 Table 2. Descriptive statistics: Evaluations of the quality of management consultancy services. 43 Table 3. Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient: Company’s competitive stance vs. satisfaction and attitudes with the use of management consultancy services. 44 Table 4. Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient: Company’s competitive stance vs. ... Frequency and percentage distribution: First engagement of management consultant services. 47 Table 8. Descriptive statistics: Attribution of outcomes because of management consultancy services. 48 Table 9. Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient: Company’s frequency of use and experience with management consultancy services vs. satisfaction and attitudes with the use of such services. 49 Table 10. Descriptive statistics: Functional value of management consultancy services. 51 Table 11. Descriptive statistics: Emotional value of management consultancy services. 52 Table 12. Descriptive statistics: Monetary value of management consultancy services. 55 Table 13. Coefficient of determination: Value structure vs. satisfaction with current management consultant. 56 Table 14. One-way ANOVA: Value structure vs. satisfaction with current management consultant. 57 Table 15. Beta coefficients: Value structure vs. satisfaction with5 current management consultant. 58 Table 16 . Coefficient of determination: Value structure vs. outcomes of management consultancy services. 60 Table 17. One-way ANOVA: Value structure vs. outcomes of management consultancy services. 60 Table 18. Beta Coefficients: Value structure vs. outcomes of management consultancy services. 61 Table 19. Coefficient of determination: Value structure vs. evaluations of the quality of management consultancy services. 61 Table 20. One-way ANOVA: Value structure vs. evaluations of the quality of management consultancy services. 62 Table 21. Beta Coefficients: Value structure vs. evaluations of the quality of management consultancy services. 62 Acknowledgements Executive Summary The study aimed to investigate the effect of Value Creation in CRM on local management consultancy industry for finding

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