Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Globalization and Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Globalization and Migration - Essay Example The people in this world belong to different religions, different continents, different continents, different cultures and different races. There are many differences in the ways the people living in different prospect differ. The people need to be aware of the differences and they need to explore and know more. For that reason we see that the people have started travelling around the world to know more and to get answers to the questions. This is the concepts of globalization. Globalization is the concept and the rationale in itself. It means the people are moving to other places to get more from the people who belong to the different religions and the cultures. The concept that underlies the idea of the globalization is migration. Migration is the movement of the people across the borders, from one country to the other, with the permission of the higher authorities belonging to the foreign destination country. In this way too the globalization is still there. The countries have higher authorities which are known to us as the embassies. The embassies are the authorities which the grant the foreigners the permission to make entry in their countries. This restriction to the easy and open entry is due to many factors. The main factor is the illegal activities that occur due to the foreign immigrants in the country which in the end might be harmful or detrimental for the country's safety. For the purpose of the migration some countries have lower restrictions as compared to the other countries. Illegal activities and globalization With the increase in the globalization and the increase in the people travelling to the other destinations of the world, it has been seen that the criminal activates are also increasing day by day. The ease with which the people are able to cross the borders of the countries make the people perform some illegal activities including the illegal migrations, the human smuggling or the human trafficking. This list also includes the refugees which are able to cross the borders across to the other countries and they take their refugee in the other countries. Human trafficking: The case Friman and Reich (2007) discuss that there are two concepts that might be intermixed in this case. The first concept is called the human smuggling which is very different from the human trafficking. The human smuggling means that the person wants to be transported across the border illegally and the smuggler is paid some fee for that and after being transported illegally, smuggled person is free to do any thing in the other country. In the second case the human trafficking means that the person so the persons are transported across the borders, though illegally, in addition against the will and the wish of the person being transported. The people being transported are transported force fully. The reasons underlying human trafficking The human trafficking is done so that the people are forced into some illegal work forces. This includes the forced slavery, servitude or debt bondage. In this way the trafficker deprives the person of the basic human rights of the person who is being trafficked across the border. The person is sometimes physically forced to being trafficked. It has been seen that the people are even deceived into lies such as better futures in the

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